

Don Bosco - Peravallur

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Independence Day Celebration

The school celebrated 74th Independence day strictly adhering to the rules charted out by the government in the wake of Covid – 19 pandemic. It was the first time in the history of the school that Independence Day was celebrated in the absence of the students due to the pandemic. It was a simple yet meaningful celebration. Mrs. Latha, the compere invited the chief guests, Rev. Sr. Maria Teresa and Dr. Raja to the dais who were accompanied by our honourable Correspondent, Rev. Fr. C. Joseph, our Principal in charge, Mrs. Loretta and Vice Principal, Mrs. Manimala.

Spell Bee

Understanding the importance of the English language being the key to a world of opportunities, our school encourages students from class III to XII to participate in the Spell Bee course.


Gratitude is an attitude. It is always considered refined to express gratitude before we bid farewell to people who had been caring for us.

Online Classes

Adapting to the changing times, we at Don Bosco started teaching our students through the online classes right from the month of May even when the city was in the clutches of Covid19.

Teacher’s Day Celebration

5th September, 2020 dawned to an exciting celebration for the teachers. Teacher’s day function started with the holy mass celebrated by our dear correspondent, Rev. Fr. C. Joseph. This was followed by a get together on the primary school premises.

Picnic And Excursion

Children should be allowed to bloom happily. They should enjoy their childhood. Understanding the need for children to take a break from their academics and give wings to their fun and frolic, we make it a part of our regular schedule to organize picnics and excursions for our students.

School Centre

Our School was the centre for Higher Secondary Public Examination 2020. Apart from our own students, students from surrounding schools also wrote their exams in our centre.

Teacher's Excursion

The management which is always concerned about its staff felt the need for teachers also to have a break from their academic schedule to refresh themselves.